Business Description
Technical Division
In the newly established Technical support team in 2018, we set up engineers at each site, build a support system covering all technologies such as technology development, quality control, and environmental conservation, etc.
We will continuously carry out activities to realize ”Quality first principle based on customer-oriented philosophy” as our core focus.
Technical Division
Best technical and quality solutions
We design and develop transformer, and also support components and EMS business in technical, quality and environmental matters from the development phase.
We continually search for and explore new materials in Southeast Asia.For the winding parts, we will arrange and process Chinese cores, bobbins, and electric wires, etc. according to safety standards and customer specifications.
■Ameba Chain
We will also propose a set of components to suit your needs and prepare the products you need to the best of our ability.We will supply Transformers, coils, relays, diodes and
Capacitors for the power supply products according to
customer's custom specifications.
We develop and design winding components in Japanand we produce them in Thailand and a partner factory in China.
We create designs which include EMI noise prevention with cross regulation that conforms to safety standards and matches the IC circuit optimization.
Our Thai factory is the mother factory for production of mounting boards and winding components, while also making full use of our outsourced factory network.
We have a winding factory affiliated with China and can supply the same products as our Thai factory.
Our Vietnam LCD factory has partnered with a Chinese manufacturer to produce same products in China and Vietnam.
From the viewpoint of production system and BCP according to customer's delivery place,
we invested in a production system that highly enhances safety.
Starting with the coil parts business that we design, produce, and sell, we will also provide products that can be used with confidence by customers from Asia to the world through technical support for other products.